

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Arizona Immigration Law

I am on both sides, I know that we are suppose to pick a side but they are both right in away. The law is trying a solve a problem it might not be the smartest choice but at least its bring awareness. It's not fair to the people who are a citizen who forgot there proof to be arrested, but it is also not fair for citizens to lose there jobs to immigrants. After all we are the ones paying the taxes. It not fair to the citizens who look foreign because they might have the cops constantly hassling them, like how Alessandra Soler Meetze said "If you look or sound foreign, you are going to be subjected to never-ending requests for police to confirm your identity and to confirm your citizenship." Hopefully something will be done and we can get to some type of agreement about this law.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

law school's discrimination policy

I believe that clubs should be forced to follow anti-bias rules. Anyone should be allowed to join a club for whatever reason. But the question of should student groups have the right to restrict membership based on their beliefs, has me in the middle. Because everyone’s beliefs are different, who are we to say their beliefs are wrong. I don’t believe that anyone should be discriminated, especially for wanting to join a club. If the Christians are really bothered by having homosexual’s in their clubs then maybe they should make another club outside of school. But then again why would a homosexual want to join a Christian club, wouldn’t they feel out of place. I don’t see why the homosexual’s don’t start their own club; I know it doesn’t help with the decimation that is happening. But I would rather join a club and be comfortable the join a club where I am not wanted. (But that’s just me) a person’s sexuality background shouldn’t be the reason they aren’t allowed into a club. If they share the same interest and ideas as you why not let them join?